Facts speak louder; evidences decide the winner and laws defend rights.

Charging Standards

Some customers always ask us directly about questions as “How much does it cost to investigate something like XX”. But we can not make a quick offer or just simply refer to offers “of former similar investigation cases” before we get deep understanding about the case entrusted to us and detailed requirements. While in actual operation, there will be certain discrepancy between simple offer and real charge, some times even “huge gap”.
It is a tough work to investigate because there are many factors deciding the final result. The confirmation of entrusted case is based on the mutual trust and confidentiality between us and our clients. The final charge depends on the following aspects:
1.    How many clues can the consignor provides and their authenticity;
2.    Detailed condition of the investigation target;
3.    Objective factors as work condition on the site;
4.    Long track and long-distance investigation;
5.    The complexity of the case;
6.    The goal designated to be reached by the consignor;
Thus, Sai'an Business Research Company Limited hopes clients can understand the particularity of our work and allow us to give accurate and reasonable offer after we fully understand the service we are about to provide. It is irresponsible for detective company to simply offer before getting clear about detailed condition or passively accept the offer of its clients. At this condition, consignors should be careful that it will fail the goal of investigation and make they suffer from loss. This kind of loss can be money or time, which is irreparable loss.
The final goal is to finish the entrusted case for our clients. So we need mutual understanding and accurate budget and reasonable charge for complex or difficult cases so as to make their payment count.
Manner and standard of charge of private detectives:
1.    50%-60% of deposit will be charged after the offer is accepted by clients and the rest of payment will be charged after finishing the entrusted case.
2.    Some certain cases need lump sum: special entrusted cases and low priced entrusted cases.
3.    Some certain investigation can charged in sections based on the progress, if there is nothing comes out about the investigation there will be no charge.


Investigation item Charging standard Period Information provided by client Information provided by our company
Enterprise credit investigation Discuss personally 4 to 10 days Full name of company Industry and commerce registration information and standard and Credit Report
Credit of bank Discuss personally 2 to 7 days Name, ID number Documents
Market research At least 10000 yuan 7 to 30 days Related information provided by clients Investigation Report or Feasibility Study Report
Business information At least 10000 yuan 5 to 30 days Handle as required by clients Investigation Report and related information
Redemption of debt 25~50% of standard charge 10 to 250 days Certification of debtor-creditor relationship and other documents Regain of arrearages
Lawyer service Discuss personally To be discussed Agreement One package service
Real estate investigation At least 3000 yuan 10 to 15 days Name of company, name of individual and ID number Housing Ownership Certificate and land use etc
Personal information investigation At least 1000 yuan   2 to 5 days Name Date of birth, ID number and marital status and address etc
Information investigation of outbound passengers in Guangzhou airport At least 2000 yuan 1 to 3 days Names and ID numbers Flight numbers, time, cabin seats and destination
Entry and exit investigation At least 2000 yuan 1 to 3 days Names and ID numbers Time at entry and exit port and arrival countries
Investigation of address through license plate number   In Guangzhou 800 yuan 1 to 3 working days License plate numbers Registration place of cars and basic information of owners
Domestic 1200 yuan 1 to 5 working days
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