Facts speak louder; evidences decide the winner and laws defend rights.

Marriage Investigation and Evidence Collection

廣州婚外情調查,婚前調查,深圳婚姻調查,珠海婚姻調查,廣州包二奶調查,東莞婚外情調查,佛山婚姻調查,清遠婚外情調查,中山婚姻調查,虎門婚姻調查,河源婚姻調查,湛江婚外情調查,汕頭婚姻調查,香港調查包二奶,北京婚姻調查,非法婚姻調查取證,上海婚前調查,潮州婚姻調查,韶關婚姻調查,花都調查婚外情With the improvement of people’s material life, people’s ideological concept and social consciousness is experiencing profound changes, and their sense of responsibility for marriage is fading. Marriage changes bring much misfortune to many families, especially to disadvantaged groups, such as women and children, who are deeply hurt. Extramarital love affairs are the main cause for marriage changes and go against monogamy that is specified by our country’s “Marriage Law”. Marital infidelities also directly harm every family, which include having a concubine, having a mistress, illicit cohabitations, extramarital love affairs and domestic violence and so on.
Therefore, collecting evidences is the sole legal way in which a victim can safeguard his or her rights and interests and dignity by means of laws. The consigner can offer wrong-doer’s illegal love affair activities and evidences that the court needs and investigate and collect evidences of the marital infidelity and bigamy to protect the seriousness of “Marriage Law”.
A marriage should bring happiness, but the other half’s silliness for a moment may bring you life’s vexation, so you should safeguard your rights and interests with legal weapons……
Guangdong Sai’an is called the expert of safeguarding rights in affections. It has professional personnel who work in three shifts to conduct whole-process monitors and it has whole-process video and radio materials. Evidences can tell you whether you need to worry about the other half or not.
Marriage investigation items:

  • Tracing and investigating the surveyed objects’ track laws and intercourses with others
  • Investigating and collecting evidences of realistic materials about the surveyed objects’ illicit cohabitations
  • Investigating and collecting evidences of materials about the surveyed objects’ concealing of property
  • Investigating internet love affairs and real situations of the people behind the computer scene
  • Acting as an agency for consigned lawsuits and applying for enforced implementation of the court’s judges

Getting rid of marriages:

  • Investigation of marital infidelities: Tracing and investigating the surveyed objects’ track laws and intercourses with others and collecting evidences of the facts of cohabitations
  • Investigation of treasuries after the marriage is split: collecting evidences of materials about the surveyed objects’ concealing and transferring of property after the marriage is split.
  • Investigation of bigamies: collecting facts of bigamies and being an agent for lawsuits
  • Mediation of getting rid of marriages: the plan designs and assistance implementation of getting ride of misfortunate marriages
  • Other requirements

Retrieving marriages:

  • Finding out your love partner’s whereabouts
  • Finding out reasons for the breakdown of marriages
  • Investigating your love partner’s requirements for retrieving your marriage
  • Plan designs and assistance implementation of retrieving marriages
  • Other requirements

Investigations of love partners before marriages:

  • Investigating future partners’ background and personal life. ( whether he or she has good morals, misdeeds or bad life habits and so on, his telephone and cell-phone records and so on)
  • Investigating the targets’ family members, financial income, personal asset, academic background, morals and marriage history and whether he or she has criminal records and so on

Women’s rights safeguarding actions:

  • Women receive unfair treatment
  • Extramarital love affairs, family violence, property transferring
  • Women’s legal rights and interests are not safeguarded
  • Failing in dividing the right of raising children and property after the marriage breaks down

Indications of extramarital love affairs:

  • Finding various reasons for staying out all night and staying out late (such as having meetings and working overtime)
  • Having wired behaviors and cold attitude and raising breaking up and divorce for no real reasons
  • Often receiving calls without sounds; telephone charges obviously increase; having ambiguous and affectionate short messages
  • Avoiding the content of dialogues when receiving calls from the other man or woman
  • The frequency of sexes obviously decreases
  • The expenditure obviously increases
  • There are objects with unknown origins in clothes or cars
  • Hearing from friends or colleagues about some similar things of your love partner
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