Facts speak louder; evidences decide the winner and laws defend rights.

Join Us

  • All the detailed rules and regulations listed in joining manual are just for reference and all cooperative clauses are subjected to that of listed in final formal agreement.
  • People who desire to join us will be accredited the right of Sai’an brand by headquarter of Sai’an after the handling of related procedures.
  • Entanglements between Franchisees and the outside belong to personal responsibilities, so Franchisees should never make any promises on behalf of headquarter of Sai’an.
  • Franchisees should never transfer, sell or exchange the agreement which is only suitable for those who signed agreements with headquarter of Sai’an.

Term of cooperation: Two years
Staff recruitment and training

  • It is franchisees that are responsible for staff recruitment.
  • All members of affiliates are hired by franchisees.
  • Headquarter is responsible for the training of franchisees and authorization of management personnel and assistance of the training of the first batch of employees.
  • Employees of affiliates should keep good working attitude, and should improve their attitude if something improper done by them caught by inspectors. The working attitude and performance of these employees will be one of the factors considered when renewing the contract.

Business income

  • Franchisees are assured to win considerable profit with the use of Sai’an brand if they run based on all regulations required by headquarter.
  • All income won by franchisees belong to themselves who have to pay for the managerial fee to Sai’an brand.

Termination and renewal of agreement

  • Either of the parties can ask for no renewal of the agreement by the end of agreement.
  • If franchisees ask for renewal of agreement, it is necessary to apply to headquarter in written form at least two months before the maturity of agreement.
  • The agreement will be automatically suspended if franchisees broke clauses of the agreement.
  • Franchisees should get permission of headquarter in advance before transferring its organization to the third party; otherwise, the transfer will be invalid.
  • Franchisees should hand in all materials provided by headquarter when the agreement is terminated.

Procedures to be franchisee

  • Application: Any interested party can search the internet for information or come for information personally.
  • Submit the application: Main related data to management center.
  • Headquarter will reply within five days after check and approve.
  • Both parties will sign the Join Agreement and handle other related procedures after passing the cooperation programme.
  • The management center empowers franchisees and releases all related data before entering into operation period.

Note: Each applicant should seriously fill correct and complete information in application form which will be the preliminary examination and verification of your qualification of joining. Please attach the following information in your application form: one copy of detailed personal data (for example: resume and Resident certification etc).

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