Facts speak louder; evidences decide the winner and laws defend rights.

Confidentiality Agreement

In order to strictly implement Confidentiality system, the company will reach a confidentiality agreement with its client before starting each investigation. The confidentiality agreement will be valid till the end of investigation or any time required by the client.
Both parties should strictly implement the confidentiality agreement. The consignee has right to terminate contract immediately if the consignor broke the agreement and betrayed the secret and all the trust money will not be refunded, what’s more, all the damages caused to the consignee will be compensated by consignor, and vice versa.
The company can make the following commitments to every trusting investigator.
1.    The company will never contact directly or indirectly with any third party or individual involved in this investigation.
2.    The company will never divulge any information related to this investigation.
3.    The company will return all the documents to its clients after finishing the investigation and keep all the secrets during the period as required.
Advantages of Sai’an:

  • Taking the protection of legal interest of clients as its principle, Shenzhen Sai’an              Research Company signs the Investigation Confidentiality Agreement with your party and never divulge evidence collecting and information about investigation to any body else so as to protect your legal rights and interest.
  • Comprising of professional elite team, Shenzhen Sai’an Investigation Company investigates and collects evidences effectively and rapidly with scientific and all-sided detective measures so as to resolve daunting investigation and evidences collecting for every client.
  • Equipped with advanced hi-tech devices and wide private detective network, Shenzhen Sai’an Investigation Company can offer you with various convincing evidences such as videos so as to successfully finish various investigations and evidence collection.

Documents provided by the consignor should be authentic and accurate and include: Track, photo, address, and telephone number, bus number etc and require coordination of the consignee.

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