Facts speak louder; evidences decide the winner and laws defend rights.

Employee’s Loyalty Investigation

Are your employees loyal to your company or not? With the development of the society and economy, people have more desire for better economic state. Therefore, do you have a good knowledge about whether your employees are satisfied with their present positions and salaries or not? If an employee betrays his company, the company will face incredible losses including the loss of customers and confidential datum. Thus, as a responsible person of the company, it is important to have an understanding about his employees.  
Sai’an Investigation Company of China can provide you with:

  • Investigation of the job applicants before the employment, including their moral characters, capabilities, education background, and social connections and so forth.
  • investigation of the activities, actions and connections of special employees in their work and lives as well as their contributions and performance in specific events and works
  • investigation of the work and lives of the enterprise representatives working in other places, including their work attitudes, work efficiency, expenses in work and entertainment, their responsibility and moral character
  • investigation and settlement of theft, destructive activities, irregular and illegal events caused by enterprise staff
  • investigation of senior managers and employees facing promotion in important departments, including their capabilities, moral characters, contributions, values of training and application, loyalty and reputation.
  • investigation of employee’s loyalty to the enterprise, including whether they help outsiders, form cliques, divulge enterprise’s secrets, plan job-hopping, embezzle money or engage in taking bribes and so forth.

If you still hold that it is impossible for the employees’ loyalty to act influence on your company’s strong foundation, the real case below may give you some tips of caution.
Since 2004, one of the enterprises producing electronic products in Dongguan, Guangdong has suffered the loss of large and fixed customers, and this situation has turned worse and worse till 2005. Up to now, this company has lost almost all its large and fixed customers, which has brought great economic loss to the company as its profits has reduced from tens of millions in 2003 to about a million in 2005. The senior managers of the company suspected that this was done by company insiders, but they didn’t know what to do as they didn’t have good investigative strategies, therefore they came to our company to ask for our help of investigation. Based on the datum and information provided by the company senior managers, we made a thorough investigation of the employees who had access to the high-end customers and examined them, and then we initially concluded the sales manager as the suspect. After this, we conducted a close and thorough investigation of the sales manager, and to our surprise, we found during the investigation that this employee not only had a private luxury car, but also had a villa as well as a residential building, and he would live in the residential building in work days and go to the villa with his family just on weekend. According to our knowledge about this employee’s salary in the company, it was impossible for him to afford so many expenses. And the subsequent information we investigated later explained the facts. It reflected that this employee ran a company of electronic components by himself, but he never went to work or even appeared in it, what’s more, the largest shareholder was his wife. After the president of the enterprise producing electronic products in Dongguan got the information and the report we submitted, he made his decision…

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