Facts speak louder; evidences decide the winner and laws defend rights.

Competitors Investigation

I. The investigation of competitors’ information
The professional personnel in Shenzhen Sai’an Company will make a deep and objective information survey of the surveyed objects through close and different means under the premise of abiding by the law. They will conduct professional analyses from the neutral viewpoint, investigate the recent state and development tendency of the competitors, enable the customers to have a good knowledge about their competitors, and provide timely business competition strategies and practical facts.
II. The contents of competitor investigation
Basic situation: enterprise history, register conditions, operation scope
Producing situation: producing procedures, cost controlling, material purchase
The situation of development and research: the introduction of technology, the research condition, the technology backbones
Marketing situation: marketing strategies, price system, sales promotion and marketing
Organization structure: Departments constitution, salary, personnel structure
Financial state: the balance sheet, income statement, financial analyses
Professional estimation: analysis on advantages, analysis on disadvantages, comprehensive estimation
Customers specify the survey contents.

    • Having a good knowledge about the enterprise’s actual information through close investigation
    • Obtaining the surveyed enterprise’s internal intelligence through different means
    • Estimating the surveyed enterprise’s overall strength through professional analys
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