Facts speak louder; evidences decide the winner and laws defend rights.

People, Fraud and Address Search


Shenzhen Sai’an Investigation Company, combining many years of working experience, makes use of wide and rich channels and network relationship and utilizes as more people and material as possible to help clients to look for people or articles to the utmost of all aspects. In some cases, because little information is offered, there is possibility of failures. For the following reasons, our company will combine our rich experience, channels of all aspects and network relationship to make most efforts to retrieve your loss and love.
1.    Looking for lost relatives and classmates, friends and colleagues out of touch and kind-hearted people who once helped you
2.    Looking for lovers, bosom friends; looking for old lovers and inquiring about their basic situation
3.    Looking for witnesses and finding out trouble-causing vehicles
4.    Looking for lost relatives, reclusive enemies, legal heirs and heritage beneficiaries
5.    Looking for the company’s former employers and clients and so on
6.    Looking for net-friends in real life; looking for adopters, witnesses, children who left home and were abducted and the lost elderly
7.    Looking for cheaters, debtors, online-cheaters, street cheaters and suspects involved in commercial and other financial frauds
8.    Looking for lost articles
9.    Looking for suppliers and market that meet clients’ needs

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