Facts speak louder; evidences decide the winner and laws defend rights.

Other Problems Investigation

廣州偵探公司,廣東偵探公司,廣東私家偵探,珠海私家偵探公司,東莞偵探公司,佛山偵探公司,中山私家偵探公司,惠州私家調查公司,香港偵探公司,澳門偵探公司,虎門偵探公司,清遠調查公司We enjoy large advantages and competitive strength in the industry with long-term cooperation with nationwide functional departments and information departments. We have more than a hundred mobile investigators scattered around the country who can investigate all aspects of problematic affairs for you anywhere at any time. We can provide you with all-inclusive services according to your needs.
Internet information investigation
1.    Investigation of friends-making: as for online friends-making and online affairs through internet, QQ, MSN, ICQ, POPO and other ways, we can trace, investigate, record, collect evidence and report the objects’ real situation and emotions to prevent being cheated emotionally and spiritually and protect our clients’ emotional investment.
2.    Personal e-mail, enterprise e-mail and other services of decoding usernames.
Insurance fraud investigation
We can provide evidence collection services to insurance companies. In order to safeguard the interests of companies and the insured and oppress fraud crimes, we can provide professional business of investigating insurance frauds.
In foreign countries, it is common to hire commercial investigation organizations or private detective agencies to investigate insurance fraud crimes. In China, with the violent increase of prices of vehicle insurance and health insurance and other insurance products, organized crimes keep increasing, and insurance companies have to pay defrauded insurance money.
Investigation of children’s behaviors

  • Investigating children’s behavior laws in school
  • Investigating their academic performance in school
  • Investigating whether they have puppy love or behaviors that delay their academic performance

Investigating whether they associate with social bad guys and the specific situations

深圳私家偵探,佛山私人偵探 珠海私人偵探 中山私人偵探,東莞私人偵探 知識產權保護-珠海私家偵探,佛山私人偵探 佛山私家偵探 廣州打假維權_東莞私家偵探,中山私家偵探 深圳私人偵探
明星私人偵探,私家偵探,海口私家偵探,潮州私家偵探,廣交會私家偵探,交易會私家偵探 澳門私人偵探,河源私人私家偵探,惠州私人偵探,明星私家偵探,私家偵探 中山私人私家偵探,佛山私人偵探,香港私家偵探,順德私人偵探,海南私家偵探 海口私家偵探,私家偵探,交易會私家偵探 廣東私家偵探,北京私家偵探,上海私家偵探, 湛江私人偵探,肇慶私家偵探,江門私人私人偵探, 番禺私家偵探,清遠私家偵探,肇慶私家偵探,海南私家偵探 上海私人偵探,北京私人偵探,廣東私人偵探,番禺私人偵探,清遠私人偵探,肇慶私人偵探,